Let me be perfectly clear, this is my opinion about the recent events in Ferguson, MO. The
point of this post is to start/continue a worthwhile conversation that goes
beyond Race Wars. While I have fact-checked, these are my thoughts on the
lessons we should be focusing on.
Darren Wilson Grand-Jury Decision:
On social media, I stated that if we are going to have a
justice system, then we need to believe in it and accept the decisions which
arise from its use. The patriotic part of me holds fast to that idea. Deep
within me however, I feel that Mr. Wilson squeaked past a trial simply because
he was at the epicenter of a situation that grew too hot, on the political
scale, before justice could remain blind to all outside factors. At the end of
the day, that decision has been made, and there is nothing left to do but learn
from its implications.
We’ll never know for sure. We do know that on the day he
was killed, Michael Brown was, at the very least, a thief. The idea presented
by media that “Mike Mike” was a gentle giant were firmly rebuked on video. That
he was on the path to graduating means a chance existed for him to outgrow
whatever thuggish tendencies he was currently holding onto. Events prove,
unfortunately, that he waited too long in making that particular decision.
Second Round of Riots:
Just as in the first
round, these new riots did nothing
to help the case of Ferguson’s downtrodden. For all the peaceful protesters
attempting to start a national conversation about abuse of power, class
helplessness, and race, the rioters took all eyes away from these men and women
and returned the national conversation back to believing we were dealing with
mere savages in a backwater town. Brown’s parents expressly asked for violence
not to be applied as part of their son’s swan song. These opportunists don’t
give half a damn about Michael Brown’s death…they only care about their newly
acquired sneakers and TV’s.
Second Round of Police Vigil:
Timing of the Grand Jury’s Decision’s Press Release:
The timing of the release of Wilson’s grand-jury decision
felt extremely staged. Especially when the National Guard gets called in early
and set in place, obviously the politicians were expecting an outrage. I don’t
know if I believe they timed it this way to encourage Ferguson’s citizens to
riot as some conspiracy theorists feel, but something was definitely funny
about it all. Jay Nixon, Barack Obama, and Prosecutor Bob McCulloch were
certainly following scripts for whatever reason. I’m sure more conspiracy
theories will come into play soon.
is the Lesson Hiding in Ferguson, MO?
I still believe Ferguson shows us more about class
disparity than blatant racism. Beyond even that though, I think the closing of
Michael Brown’s case proves that the people of America need a reminder in taking
responsibility for their own actions. In Ferguson, it feels like NOBODY
involved held themselves accountable for the myriad of mistakes made, cloak and
dagger antics used, or riots that ensued.
What kind of lesson are the young (presumably
impressionable and angry) people in Ferguson of the world supposed to
learn as of right now? When even the people in business suits and cop uniforms
won’t say, “Yeah, I could have handled this in a better manner.”?
How else do we expect them to act when the grown-ups they
live with and around steal stuff and start fires just because the opportunity
presents itself?
Yet…we keep saying that “they” need to do better. “They”
should get jobs. “They” should act in a civil manner.
WE need to step up, all of us, in taking responsibility
for our actions and be constantly held accountable at all levels for our
duties. In the process of doing right ourselves, every time, we can show “them”
exactly what we expect from them as part of society.
This time, in Ferguson, MO, we failed them all in every way, at every
level, with every step. How else, then, could we really expect them to react?