Friday, August 22, 2014

Enough Ranting (For Now): A Timeline for What's Coming

I have done a lot of ranting and raving here on American Dirt. Like, A LOT.

However, I promised to bring everything from politics to pop-culture, and it’s time I started delivering on that promise.
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For the next three days, starting August 23, 2014, I’ll be showcasing a How-To segment on world-building for my writer friends, story aficionados, and even tabletop gamers. I use these strategies in my own games and stories. Maybe, just maybe, it will help you too. Make sure to tune in tomorrow for part I of Worldbuilding: A Guide to Start With. Hope you enjoy!

Next week, I’ll delve into my thoughts on the new Dungeons and Dragons tabletop game, the 5th Edition, if you will.

The week after that, I’ll be speaking on anime, what it means, what it is, and possibly what it should be.

After that, it might be time for another rant. I have to stick to my guns after all. Glad to have you here, thanks for reading. Let me know if you like the changes or not, and don’t be afraid to comment! I’ll respond, and ensure moderation, so NO BULLIES. Let’s respect each other here on American Dirt. 

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I'm Retiring American Dirt Hey everyone. James here. This is my final post on American Dirt. It's been a long ride full ...