Wednesday, April 13, 2016

New Information Dealers are Showing Up Where Big Media Won't

Currently, when you think of being an American, chances are good you think about the inequalities running rampant through our aged, non-progressive system. You have to fight to be heard. The battle to actually change the system is staggering. Yet, post Occupy Wall Street, the younger generation is mixing old rights with new technology to exact the changes they want to see. How successful are they? The war is young…but tempered with young hearts and ideology, it is far from over.

Utilizing social media is not new for the millennial generation. This "new" technology has been around since their birth, they're growing up with social media as part of their every day, where they share everything from memes to what they're having for breakfast.

Ideas are also being shared. Important ideas such as how the government is unfair to certain races and how big-money owns what policies get passed into law. The influence of these individuals over social media is strong enough, their voices loud enough, that they forced gay marriage to become a reality.

Think about that for a moment.

The Young Turks logo has set up at least two protests already. Today, on the steps of the White House, 400 people out of a five-thousand man protest were hauled to jail. The protest was about repealing Citizen's United, the law which allows corporations to donate money to political campaigns as a citizen instead of as a company. TYT (The Young Turks) provided a livestream from their Facebook page, which showed not only peaceful protesters, but also calm police. Unsurprisingly, none of the major media brands were there to broadcast this obviously big story.

Why is it a big deal if major media brands weren't there? Essentially, they gave the story to young people, to propagate its meaning however they want. If major media plans to ignore these types of stories, they are giving power to those who will cover them. Which is fine, for now. The longer they refuse to acknowledge the presence of new information dealers- who are going to become the source of information for an ever-growing portion of the nation- the harder it will be to come back up when the scales tip away from their favor.

America's "normal people" are rising. They demand, in loud and clear voices, fairness and a right to live by standards people living in a country considered a superpower should be able to live. And sure, there's some entitlement there. Overwhelmingly, that entitlement is proving to be less geared towards the individual as it is towards the rights and fairness to all.
God bless America, stay strong out there.

James Neal is the author of three stories:

Of Blood and Blade; a dark fantasy novel on Amazon

Paints the Invisible Eye; a dark fantasy novella on Amazon &

Divine Right (linked to Smashwords); a free fantasy short story available on Smashwords, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, iTunes, and other digital bookstores.

The Blacksmith's Reaper: a FREE fantasy short soon to be released

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I'm Retiring American Dirt Hey everyone. James here. This is my final post on American Dirt. It's been a long ride full ...