Sunday, July 26, 2015

I'm Hopping Off the Caitlyn Jenner Train, and Here's Why

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I'm jumping off the Caitlyn Jenner train. I know this is going to draw ire from many people…and I'm even more aware that many of those people may have stopped reading. Still here? Good, hear me out.

First, I'm not against Ms. Jenner being transgender. The likelihood of the two of us meeting are less than I'd like to admit (I’m not famous…), but if we did, I would hold zero hate that she was once a man. I consider myself an ally to the LGBTQ community.

Second, I’m not all that concerned about Jenner winning the courage award. Except, that’s not 100% true. Jenner winning an award does not bother me…the fact that she only paid lip-service to the needs of the transgender community while on the stage, her “platform” as she spoke of it many times during her ten minute speech…that is what bothers me.

Throughout that speech, little nuggets of gold were interspersed with more “me’s” than I could stick into the chapter of a novel written in first person. However, some of those nuggets are important.

Nuggets like: “They're learning that they're different, and they're trying to figure out…how to handle that. On top of every other problem that a teenager has. They're getting bullied. They're getting beaten up. They're getting murdered, and they're committing suicide.”

Or: “We've come a long way, but we have a lot of work to do.”

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And the best part: “It is an honor to have the word “courage” associated with my life, but on this night another word comes to mind, and that is, fortunate…if someone wanted to bully me well you know what I was the MVP of the football team that just wasn't going to be a problem. And the same thing goes tonight. If you want to call me names, make jokes, doubt my intentions, go ahead. Because the reality is, I can take it. But for the thousands of kids out there coming to terms with who they are, they shouldn’t have to take it.”

I agree with your words, Caitlyn. From the very bottom of my bared soul, I agree. You absolutely are fortunate, you absolutely don't have to worry about the train of words coming at you, and at this point, you will never be attacked on any kind of regular basis like the thousands of kids to whom you delivered your beautiful lip-service.

Now, am I saying Caitlyn Jenner needs or should be attacked in order to prove, in some barbaric manner, she is really transgender? Of course not.

All I want to know, Ms. Jenner, is how you are going to transform those words into action? When will you set up a fund to help these kids reach success in transitioning themselves? When will you spend time at the safe shelters set up for those getting beat up? When, my real question is, will you stop being just a mouthpiece for the transgender community, and become an arm that holds them up?

I'm glad you're speaking up for the transgender kids, Ms. Jenner. But until you move your platform beyond speeches constantly referring to how horrifying it’s been for you, I’m off the train. No more “we can all get along” talk. Of course that’s how it should be. It isn’t. You have made yourself the public face of the transgender community. Stop talking about yourself.

 When you do, and I see you getting what the transgender community needs from you- results, I'll kick my horse racing to get back on the Caitlyn Jenner train. Results like safe places, safe surgeries they cannot afford right now, and psychological counseling (like you received throughout your own transition).

I'm not saying this should all come straight out of Caitlyn Jenner’s pocket, either. However, your platform can reach pockets these thousands of kids never could, and right now, that’s what they need from their new hero. Caitlyn, the time has come to get to work.


I'm Retiring American Dirt Hey everyone. James here. This is my final post on American Dirt. It's been a long ride full ...